It has come to our attention that members of our community are being stalked and harassed on our behalf. We are receiving emails from fake accounts claiming to have identified individual people who contribute to this project. The research these people have done to identify our collective are based off of finding people who sell our merch at zine festivals, on online stores that host our fundraisers or merely post anti-fascist and anti-racist imagery. It also bears mentioning that a good number of people being targeted right now are queer, trans, and non binary; it should come as no surprise that this in and of itself is often reason enough for any white supremacist to go on the offensive. All of these factors are hardly confirming evidence of membership in AAR, but simply supports the fact that our local community is strong, supportive and resilient in the fight against racism and fascism. We stand in solidarity with all of the people who are experiencing this harassment and will continue our work to expose and eliminate fascists and oppressive threats in our community.
Carrie no solamente acepta la ideología fascista de Cesar, sino los dos participan en actividades Neo-Nazi: entre asistir manifestaciones racistas antes del 12 de Agosto 2017 en Charlottesville y chatear con amigos Neo-Nazi en el internet. Más encima, Carrie se burla de sus clientes de Tarot en su página de Facebook. Le presentamos a Cesar Armando Arvelo Santo, residente de Asheville y miembro del grupo Neo-Nazi Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP). Desde hace varios años, Cesar Arvelo Santos es activo en grupos Nacionalsocialistas y pro-Supremacía Blanca, incluso grupos Ku Klux Klan, todas las organizaciones afiliadas con Nationalist Front (NF), y el ya disuelto Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP). Desde hace unos años Cesar está viviendo en Asheville, pero debido a varios alias y mantener un bajo perfil, ha evitado atencíon. Ultimamente, Cesar fue el “coordinador de la logística” para “Unite the Right,” una manifestación racista en Charlottesville, VA en Agosto 2017. Cesar también fue Region 2 Commander de Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP), lo cuál quiere decir que él supervisaba a la membresía de TWP a lo largo de varios estados en el sur.
Cesar haciendo el saludo Nazi con otros fascistas.Cesar con Cristopher Cantwell (“el Nazi llorón,” locutor del programa fascista “Radical Agenda”). Note sus tatuajes y los mismos lentes que arriba
Cesar tuvo un papel importante en coordinar y comandar lo que pasó en Charlottesville el 12 de Agosto 2017, día que terminó con la muerte de Heather Heyer, una manifestante anti-racista, asesinada por uno de los manifestantes fascistas a quienes acompañaba Cesar. Según Matt Parrot, uno de los líderes de TWP, “Cesar Hess, un veterano que es uno de nuestros Coordinadores Regionales, trabajaba con The League of the South, National Socialist Movement, y otros grupos de Nationalist Front para dos líneas defensivas de escudos.” Se puede ver a Cesar en varios videos y fotos del día, donde él está apuntando y dirigiendo a esas líneas de escudos. Otro fascista de North Carolina, Christopher Pack, participaba en una de esas líneas. La demanda legal que resultó de la violencia fascista en Charlottesville nombró a Cesar, bajo el seudónimo “Cesar Hess.”
Se nombra a Cesar en el proceso legal en contra de los que organizaron “Unite the Right” y violentaron a manifestantes anti-racistas en CharlottesvilleCesar mandando a manifestantes fascistas con sus escudos durante “Unite the Right” en Charlottesville, VA.
Él se mudó de Colorado Springs a North Carolina, y desde entonces vivió en West Asheville hasta que se mudó a South Asheville con su novia Carrie Lynn Pierce, más sus dos hijos de otra relacíon. Actualmente, trabaja para Champion Systems Inc., instalando y arreglando sistemas audio-visuales y otros sistemas eléctricos en nuestra área. A través de su trabajo, Cesar ha logrado infiltrar la comunidad local de la clase obrera en sitios de construcción y específicamente enfoca en la comunidad latina.
Cesar con Matt Heimbach, aclamando la violencia fascista en Charlottesville, VA
Cesar es muy fanático de los podcasts y estuvo muy feliz de ser invitado al programa “The Right Voice Podcast,” episodio 98, el 21 de Marzo, 2018. Aparece en minuto 32 del episodio. En el episodio, Cesar habla de haber leído Mein Kampf por Adolf Hitler en la secundaria, y describe como, a los 12-13 años de edad, su familia mudó de Venezuela a Nueva York. Cesar describe esta mudanza como su “última pastilla roja,” diciendo que fue la primera vez que él había visto “tantos negros” y que “jamás en mi vida había visto tantos judíos.” En las siguientes dos horas, Cesar habla muchas porquerías asquerosas, entre alentando los asesinatos de inmigrantes negros a hablando de quemar sinagogas, describiendo a los Mexicanos como violadores, y describe con orgullo como engaña a obrero inmigrantes en hacer el saludo Nazi (Sieg Heil). Es difícil escuchar ese episodio. El presentador y Cesar poco a poco se emborrachan, perdiendo sus inhibiciones y auto-respeto. La conversación es tan estúpida como te imaginarías, pero al final puedes entender que Cesar tiene una ideologia violenta y peligrosa.
Cesar pasa más o menos dos horas hablando porquerías racistas en un programa Nazi, The Right Voice Podcast. Con intención, no dejamos aquí el enlace a ese episodio, para no difundir sus ideas de odio.
Cesar es un Nazi particularmente asqueroso. Sabe hablar en formas distintas, dependiendo de con quién habla. Por ejemplo, él a mencionado que enfatiza sus orígenes latinos para manipular a gente de color a hacer cosas que nunca harían en circunstancias normales. Con un acento Venezolano y su piel moreno, no es solamente confuso por qué él difunde ideas de la supremacía blanca, pero más encima se confunde por qué lo permiten en espacios de la supremacía blanca–pero no es completamente único, hemos visto personas de color colaborando con neo-Nazis antes. Parece que Cesar se ha metido en esos espacios como una “excepción de la regla.” No tiene importancia que tan confusa, hipócrita, o estúpida aparece la ideología de Cesar. Lo que sí tiene importancia es que el racismo es una idea. Se puede crear las ideas de la nada y perpetuar y compartirlas. En ese sentido, Cesar no es una excepción.
La foto de perfíl de Facebook de Cesar, sacando un selfie con “Mike Enoch,” alias de Michael Isaac Peinovich, un bloguero neo-Nazi y presentador de su programa podcast. Peinovich fundó la empresa mediática derechista “The Right Stuff” y el podcast neo-Nazi “The Daily Shoah.”Cesar a punto de cagarse con el miedo en Charlottesville
No dejemos a Cesar ni una excusa. Hablemonos para asegurar que sepamos bien quién es Cesar de verdad, y lo que apoya y cree. Esta informacíon es pública. La compilamos y compartimos para que puedas informar a personas que conoces. Haz con ella lo que crees es necesario. Ni en nuestras comunidades, ni en nuestros sitios de trabajo, ni en nuestras casas–¡No Pasarán!
Physical Description: 5’6”, Approx. 170 lbs, Hispanic, black hair, brown eyes, small tattoo on each of his forearms, right forearm tattoo is of an othalo rune.
Vehicle: White mid-2000s, Chevy Silverado, 2-door, extended cab, white camper shell with ladder rack on top, NC plate: SWP 3917. ‘Radical Agenda’ sticker on bottom left corner of camper shell window.
Formerly of: Miami, FL, Monagas, Venezuela, Flushing, NY, Colorado Springs, CO, and Fort Bragg, NC.
Carrie, is not just complacent with Cesar’s fascist ideology, they actively participate in it. From attending pre-August 12th Charlottesville rallies held by white supremacists to chatting it up with his douchestaffel, goose stepping friends online. If you ever happen to get your tarot read by Carrie, be aware that if whatever you tell them will be reposted on her personal facebook mocking your problems.
Today we present Asheville resident and TWP scumbucket – Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos. Cesar has actively been in National Socialist and white supremacist circles for many years, including working in conjunction with various KKK chapters, all Nationalist Front (NF) affiliated organizations, and the now defunct Traditionalist Workers Party. He’s been living in Asheville for the past few years, though he’s flown largely under the radar and evaded being pin-pointed by using various aliases and working behind the scenes. Most recently Santos coordinated logistics for the TWP for the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA last August. Before TWP had their hilarious implosion a few months ago, Cesar was the Region 2 Commander, overseeing memberships across several states across the southeast.
Cesar Seig Heiling with other nazi boneheads. Note Cesar totally multi-tasking holding a piss beer and his vape while being a bigot. Fuck your clouds bro.Cesar with nutter Christopher “crybaby”Cantwell , notice his forearm tattoos and exact same eyeglasses as pictured above.
Cesar played a major role in coordinating and commanding the August 12th rally last year that though ending up as a resounding loss for the fascists and racists, also claimed the life of anti-racist protester Heather Heyer. According to Matt Parrott’s own account of the August 12th rally, “Cesar Hess, a Regional Coordinator of ours who’s an experienced combat veteran, worked with the League, NSM, and other Nationalist Front groups to help create two shield walls”. Cesar can be seen in a number of photos and videos pointing and directing these shield walls, one being the same recently doxed WNC shitbird Christopher Pack was a part of. Cesar was also originally named in the Charlottesville lawsuit filed after the Unite the Right rally under the pseudonym “Cesar Hess”.
Cesar named in original Charlottesville lawsuit against ‘Unite the Right’ rally organizers and violence perpetrators.Cesar directing orders to the shield wall at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA.
He moved from Colorado Springs to North Carolina, and has since lived in West Asheville until relocating to South Asheville with his partner Carrie Lynn Pierce, and his two kids from a former relationship. To our delight he has been terminated from his latest position as an electrician installing and servicing audio, visual and other electric systems in buildings in the surrounding AVL area. Through this work, Cesar gets to infiltrate within the local working class community via construction sites and specifically targets the Latinx community here in WNC.
Cesar with Matthew Heimbach, cheering on fascist violence in Charlottesville VA.
Cesar is a big fan of podcasts, and was excited to be a guest speaker on The Right Voice Podcast, episode 98 on 3/21/2018, though to save you time, brain cells, extra throw-up feelings, note he doesn’t come on the show until about 32 minutes in. Cesar talks about how he read Mein Kampf in middle school, and describes how at age 12-13 he and his family first moved to NYC from Venezuela. Cesar describes this as his “final red pill” stating it was the first time he was “surrounded by a multitude of negroes” and “never seen so many Jews in my life”. There is a disgusting amount of detailed vile shit espoused by Cesar over the following 2+ hours, including his permission for antifa to dox him using one of his last names. We hope using all four of your legal names is still okay. From celebrating and wanting more killings of black immigrants, to talk of burning synagogues, calling Mexicans rapists, and boasts about tricking immigrant workers into seig heiling. This episode was particularly painful to the ears. The host and Cesar progressively drank alcohol and it was apparent as they continued to lose what little inhibitions or self respect they may have had in the beginning. The discussion throughout the poorly executed podcast episode was as problematic and horrible as one would assume, although, at the end we were able to more critically understand Cesar’s dangerous ideology more accurately.
Cesar spends about two hours dribbling racist bullshit on Nazi podcast, The Right Voice. We intentionally did not link this here as to not spread their hatred from our platform.
Cesar is a particularly scummy nazi. He has a complex narrative and manipulates it depending on who is around. For example, he has mentioned pulling the “brown card” and manipulating brown people around him to do things they wouldn’t normally do. With an extremely thick Venezuelan accent and brown skin, not only might it boggle the mind why Cesar would preach white supremacy but the fact that he is allowed in spaces founded on white supremacy can be perplexing- while also not unheard of, as we have seen people of color working with neo-nazis before.
There are many examples of Fascist and National Socialist movements/organizations with some or all membership with black or brown skin. And there is a whole lot to be said for the ways in which the white supremacy has ingrained itself in the psyches of us all. Though it seems that Cesar has wedged himself into some of these groups as a sort of exception to their specific rules. No matter how confusing, hypocritical or backwards this freaky sack of shit’s narrative appears to be, it is important to remember that racism, at it’s core, is an idea. Ideas can be created, perpetuated and shared by anyone. Therefore, Cesar is no exception.
Cesar’s Facebook profile picture, taking a selfie with “Mike Enoch” AKA Michael Isaac Peinovich, a neo-nazi blogger and podcast host for his show. He founded the alt-right media hub The Right Stuff and podcast The Daily Shoah.Cesar looking ready to shit himself in Charlottesville.
Let’s not give this rotten slug a smile to hide behind, and reach out to each other to make sure we all know who Cesar really is and what he is really about. This public information has been compiled and delivered to you in order to share and inform with everyone! Do with it what you see fit, stay smart, remain careful, and don’t give this actual asshole a fucking inch. Not in our communities, job sites, or homes. ¡NoPasarán!
*Originally posted 4/30/2018 on our previous noblogs*
Christopher Michael Pack, a former student Western Carolina University, and Karissa Anne Herbst Pack are former residents of Indiana and current residents of Brasstown, NC and have been flying under the radar lately to avoid the consequences of their choices. Christopher’s decision to stop lurking in the shadows and safety of the internet, and begin organizing at violent white supremacist rallies is why we’re bringing these weasels to the spotlight. Below we will be focusing our attention to Christopher and specify when including Karissa’s involvement in the white power movement. What has over the years evolved from trolling people online through twitter, Facebook, gab (a popular social media site among the far-right) and discord has since moved on to more violent tactics. A fan of the sub-genre of NSBM, national socialist black metal, he attends larger shows in Atlanta area and lesser known shows at The Georgia Peach Oyster Bar, a bar outside Temple, Georgia that regularly holds white power shows and rallies.
Name: Christopher Michael Pack
Aliases: Ian Moone, seigeresist, Mr. Deplorable, John Smith
Address: 33 Bending Trail, Brasstown, NC 28902
DOB: 04/27/84
Phone number: 219-972-0052
Name: Karissa Ann (Herbst) Pack
Aliases: Kcapack, karherbst, frodolover69
Address: 33 bending Trail, Brasstown, NC 28902
DOB: 03/06/90
Phone Number: 828-837-4763
Pack attended the 2016 “HammerFest”, thrown by the violent skinhead crew “confederate hammer skins” or CHS. This was a night of racist bands spewing filth and encouraging violence against marginalized communities. Bands on the line included the band Definite Hate, a hammerskin band who’s former guitarist was responsible for the 2012 mass murder at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. With vendors peddling nazi paraphernalia and literature, cookouts, and drinking all contributing to a festive atmosphere, these events are not merely bad shows for bad people. In fact, they’re specifically designed to network and recruit for many facets of the white power movement. This is what Chris Pack did.
Meeting with Matt and Brooke Heimbach in real life at this white power event was the beginning of a slippery slope Christopher Michael Pack and his wife, Karissa Ann, and it’s brought them to where they are right now. No longer content with being a filthy racist troll online, Christopher began networking and building a relationship with the leader of the now defunct white nationalist group the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP). This is when Pack started his career with TWP and eventually worked his way up in ranks to become a “Major”. Karissa is not only complicit through association, but actively supports and takes part in fascist organizing herself throughout their years in the white power movement. Pack identifies himself and his rank attained by the time he attended the deadly ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last August, under the recycled username “seigeresist” (see images below) as evidenced in the TWP discord leaks provided by Unicorn Riot. He can be seen in a slew of footage, including when TWP and the National Socialist Movement (NSM) are leaving the parking garage together to converge on Emancipation Park.
He is identified by body type, clothing – including his necklace and rank-defining armband, matching earlobes, and other facial indicators along with posts he made himself online. He is spotted in several locations throughout the deadly day, from leaving the parking deck to standing next to and coordinating tactically with another TWP officer named Jacob Goodwin. You may remember the name Jacob Goodwin, as he is one of the four nazis charged with violently assaulting Deandre Harris in the parking garage, and who’s trial just so happens to be scheduled to start this week.
Goodwin and Pack coordinating during shield wall defense of Emancipation Park
Identifying markers on both Goodwin and Pack identifying them both by ranks and person.
Pack wears this necklace often and can be seen pictured with it on social media both before and after Charlottesville.
Christopher Michael Pack then followed suit and hid online with the rest of the scum. To protect himself from his own actions he again switched online user names and forums. Following Pack online for the past two years has been a game of wack-a-mole, but he just can’t seem to keep his hipster youth haircut down long enough to avoid detection. With over half a dozen online handles and monikers over the past couple of years logged and recorded we have been able to piece together who he is, what he is about, and where he is. His posts are almost exclusively about Nazism, antisemitism, white nationalism and conspiracy theories. He makes no qualms about being a national socialist and allegedly has read most of the current white supremacist cannon. Karissa Anne Herbst Pack, his wife, also loves to engage with her husbands antisemitic online chatter. She is so down with him flaunting his hatred she sewed him together a little vest with all his favorite racist patches, including a White Aryan Resistance (WAR) patch. WAR was disbanded for domestic terrorist charges decades ago, but was at one point considered one of the more dangerous white power groups in the U.S.
Karissa Pack was working at the John C. Campbell Folk School, after her Flight Attendant job with National Airlines, though her employment is now unknown. What is known is they live right behind the school at 33 Bending Trail, Brasstown, North Carolina. We have an incredibly hard time believing that anybody closely associated with this fascist family have any doubt about their nazi leanings. This includes the newest rebranding of Pack’s image as a member of the Asatru Folk Assembly.
Under Facebook name “John Smith”, Pack lists himself as working with ‘Asatru Folk Assembly’
33 Bending Trail, in Brasstown, NC
Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is one of many churches that celebrate and worship the pagan gods of northern Europe such as Odin and Thor. While practicing pagan religions is in it self non-problematic, AFA sets itself aside from non-racist pagan churches by claiming these gods belong solely to white European descendants. Many Asatru churches have denied the validity of AFA and other racially charged groups by banning together under the name “Heathens United Against Racism” (HUAR) and The Asatru Community (TAC). Together over 100 groups have signed “Declaration 127” denouncing any heathen churches that promote hatred and bigotry. AFA is not one of these groups. The “Folk” in AFA is a dog whistle meaning “whites only”. To cloak a racist agenda in a religion is not just disgusting and insincere, it is all too common. From the KKK claiming to be a Christian organization to “The World Church of the Creator” screaming for a racial holy war (RAHOWA) these groups have something in common; their use of faith to normalize racism and recruit new members into white supremacy. With that in mind, the members of local AFA in the region must be very cozy with having a violent neo-nazi in their group, as they seem to communicate quite frequently on both Pack’s social media- the same platform he (and the AFA) uses to spread antisemitic and fascist dribble. There are many pagan churches to join, so it raises some red flags when the one you choose to associate with is one of the few who admit open nazis as members.
No, you will not be able to claim we are attacking your religion, Chris. We know what’s up and have no problem with people practicing pagan and polytheism. We have a problem with nazi’s fighting in the street then hiding behind a curtain to avoid consequence. There are consequences, and this is the first we’ll bring to you ourselves.
If you have any tips/information you’d like to share with us, reach out via email at And remember, don’t give them an inch.
March, 8th is International Women’s Day! In the spirit of celebration and international struggle, AAR would like to honor and defend the strengths and growing solidarity occurring within the struggle for women’s equality. This ongoing struggle opposes all forms of oppression against women which are often portrayed as “culturally traditional”; which in turn provides these oppressive behaviors space to fester and grow. To the individuals, businesses and communities brave enough to speak out and/or act out against these injustices, we commend your struggle and we feel your pain! We also want to specifically acknowledge women, queer folks, and trans people of our community here in WNC who face bigotry both institutionally and personally on a daily basis. We recognize you and stand with you. Not only as we work to dismantle systems of oppression but also as we hold hands and support one another.
Foremost, we have an immense amount of gratitude for the feminist revolutionary forces fighting in Rojava, in so-called Northern Syria! Following the collapse of Assad’s power in Syria in 2011, the three northernmost counties of Syria (known in Kurdish as Rojava) gained their autonomy under the leadership of the Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) and the protection of the YPG/YPJ militias (People’s/Women’s Protection Units). The Charter of Social Contract, commonly known as the Constitution of Rojava, stresses absolute gender equality, people’s right to self-determination, and sustainability. On the ground, the contrast with ISIS-held regions is remarkable: secular Rojava has outlawed forced marriages, polygamy and underage marriage, and 40% of political positions in each council is held by women. Currently these revolutionaries are in the fight of their lives defending this autonomous region, and the millions who’ve flocked there, against fascist attacks on all sides by Turkish and Syrian State forces and allies.
For more on the Rojava Revolution, check out these links:
Next, we want to declare our solidarity with an incredibly empowering movement occurring within the struggle for women’s equality here in the so-called United States.#MeToo, a virally spread movement which emerged in October of 2017, is a hashtag used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.Through publically calling out misogynists and career sexual predators, the #MeToo movement continues to highlight the power of solidarity among all intersectionally oppressed people in the work place. This nationwide demand for accountability is a big step that barely scrapes the surface, yet we are so glad to see communities support and fight together, both on and offline. Here in Asheville, we continue this conversationthrough individual and communal discussion and accountability. We know sexual harassment and assault is inexorably tied to the violent capitalist patriarchy we all exist in and by addressing the root of the problem we seek to rebuild a foundation that supports and promotes the safe and enriching lives we all deserve!
Our work within Asheville AntiRacism is inherently feminist. As individuals and as one cohesivegroup we incorporate a feminist ideology in the approaches and actions we take. We do this through critical group discussion and analysis, safe and thorough debriefs, as well as providing a safer space for folks of all genders, sexual orientations, races and ethnicities. Holding ourselves and our comrades accountable in a firm and compassionate way is essential to dismantling all forms of oppression. We also take an active approach to keeping all types of oppressive behaviors out of our community, by maintaining a presence and watching/confronting perpetrators in the community head on. Our work is important and necessary in order to stay engaged with the community and help create a culture around addressing these problems as they arise. We cede no space for their presence here, actively create space for inclusion, and motivate and encourage the larger community to fend off the isolation that comes with being the target of oppression.
We received a tip last week that about a dozen Proud Boy shmucks went out in uniform together to a local watering hole. We obtained a photograph of the meet up and were able to positively identify all individuals who came out that night. It’s worth noting that more than half of these fools were brought in from out of town, with the largest number of them traveling from the Charlotte area. With them they brought their filthy misogyny, homophobia, and islamophobia.
In response, last night Asheville Anti Racism and affiliates filled the streets with the names and faces of local Proud Boys. In an attempt to keep our community safe we were sure to visit all local restaurants, bars and breweries. We were thrilled with the enthusiastic and grateful reactions from bartenders, managers and customers alike! Some folks needed a bit more explaining than others but for the most part everyone knew these people were a problem either way. It was especially juicy when we were informed Wilton Jordan had already been turned away and kicked out of bars over the last few weeks, hah! Sometimes the trash takes itself out. One door guy with a “fuck racism” shirt on was particularly pumped for the detailed tip-off.
Overall it was a really successful and effective night. Community outreach is essential in strengthening local ties. Working together is the only way to stop this filth from spreading. The fact is that nobody wants fascism in their communities, hearts OR businesses! It is wonderful to see our community so excited to stand against worms as slimy as the PBs.
Keep an eye out!
For more information on the names, addresses, family members etc of the proud boys mentioned above please send us a private message.
WUTS GOOOD!? Been offline for a minute but always alive on the streets. Check out this new beauty on the block. Doubles as trash pickup and rad art! As always racist filth has no place in any of our communities and it ain’t flyin. Love a good before and after.
On Monday, May 9th we held a benefit for Josh Taft’s legal defense fund. Taft was arrested for allegedly throwing smoke bombs at riot police on April 23rd while participating in the counter protest of the KKK. He is innocent, we have first hand witness accounts that contradict what the police are saying. If found guilty of this crime that he did not commit, he can be imprisoned for up to 20 years. The police picked him to throw the book at, and it could have been anyone of us. This is why it is important to come together for Taft now, because you never know when the state will decide it’s your turn on the chopping block.
The turn out was great, and everybody had a blast! It was great to see everybody come out and dance and party to the DJ’s vinyl collection. This was a great way for Asheville folks who couldn’t make it to the benefit show before the Stone Mountain action or to Georgia to show their support and solidarity.
We were able to raise $326.00 at the door. AAR will be rounding that number to $423.16 (the date of the counter protest was 4/23/16). We hope that this will help with getting Josh the proper defense he needs to prove his innocence. Can’t wait to hear what other cities and groups are doing to raise funds for this and future causes.
AAR and affiliates camped out the night before the action in a storm. Asheville Food Not Bombs cooked up some awesome tacos and we ate while sitting under a large pop up going over strategy. We woke up early to meet up with local organizers and Antifa groups from as far away as Miami and Chicago. Our group was around 30 deep, including street medics. All together there was over 400 protesters at this event.
We showed up in force and participated in storming the gates at Stone Mountain April 23rd 2016. The first line of cops were state troopers at the gate, we veered to the left and kicked down the fence and proceeded on at a quick speed with cops running after people with bandannas on and punching and yelling. VID One of our comrades from Asheville got arrested for allegedly violating the Georgia mask law. They got out the same day and is now back home.
We maneuvered around the park through trails, train tracks and through the woods with other groups including Antifa International TORCH Antifa, All out ATL, Rise UP!, Black Lives Matter, Black Panther Party and the Huey P. Newton Gun Club. Antifa owes a lot of our safety from the riot cops to the gun club. We could have been scooped up by the pigs easily, but having guns behind us was a game changer.
We cannot stress enough that de-arresting people was also a big factor in the momentum of the protest. There were more than twice the amount of de-arrests than arrests. Setting up barricades and bypassing riot cops was the only way to get to our objective. After getting as close to the KKK as we could we held the line with all these other groups. The 25 white power klowns were contained in a fenced in area on a large scorching blacktop parking lot. They were surrounded by riot police. 150 yards away were held in the treeline by SWAT, state police and park pigs. The park had to shut down muliple attractions, including the laser show and sky car. When things were winding down we went back to the convergence space for debriefing and food provided by Seeds of Peace.
We are now working on raising funds for the nine folks who were not lucky enough to get ripped out of the hands of the state. One anti-racist is looking at felony charges for allegedly throwing a “smoke bomb” at the riot cops. He is facing up to 20 years if found guilty. AAR members were there on the ground and know for a fact that it was not this person throwing projectiles of any kind, but he got pegged for it anyways. He is innocent of these accusations and we are trying to raise enough funds to get him proper defense.
Also in attendance at Stone Mountain was a man named Gabriel Diaz, AKA “Mohammed Abdali”. He has been officially outed and has been thrown under the bus by his own “buddies”, the NSM (National Socialist Movement). He operates out of NYC, Bronx area and was even down at Stone Mountain, GA counter protest taking pics of Antifa. He was wearing a grey tshirt with yellow ink spelling “ANTIFA” . Don’t give him a fucking inch!