Appearance- 5’11’ dishwater blonde hair. Light colored eyes. Wears facial hair in several fashions, clean shave, mustache and beard. Noticeably prominent ears. No visible tattoos. Unremarkable white dude in his mid thirties.
Meet the newest nazi transplant from Florida to the Asheville area, Charles Sean Conry AKA Jesse NC. Charlie is an active member of the fascist white supremacist organization Patriot Front. Patriot Front (PF) is a splinter from and rebranding of its former incarnation, Vanguard America, which held the prime organizers and participants in the infamous Unite The Right rally in 2017. Two weeks after James Fields, Jr. murdered Heather Heyer at UTR in Charlottesville, Virginia, a very young Thomas Rousseau announced the transformation of Vanguard America into “Patriots Front,” seizing control of the Southern Front Discord server from ex-marine Dillon Irizarry (aka Dillon Hopper).
Patriot Front’s ideology never changed from its explicitly “American Fascist” ideology, regardless of which label they happened to be operating under at the time. For a more in-depth look at the interconnection, rebranding, and common memberships throughout the stages of the group’s current name – from Atomwaffen Division to American Reaction to American Vanguard to Vanguard America to National Bloc to Patriot Front – click here.
Patriot Front is one of the largest distributors of racist and antisemitic propaganda in the country today, both online and via fliers, stickers, and banners. Patriot Front are also known for their short, choreographed “flash mob” type events where their members will briefly march through a city – often at night when there are no bystanders – while wearing khaki pants, polo shirts, and carrying American flags. These marches function as a means to create more fascist propaganda to recruit new members and spread their hateful ideology. It’s worth noting that during their briefly held march over the 4th of July weekend in 2021, bystanders in Philadelphia chased off the participating Patriot Front members.
The most recent of these occurred on December 4, 2021 in Washington D.C.. Patriot Front marched in full fascist “riot gear” -including shin pads and shields- up and down the Capitol Mall, but ended up leaving about half their group waiting in the cold for hours waiting for a ride after what was originally attributed to the fascist organization’s lack of organization and historical untimeliness during such rallies. This cold failure has since been attributed to the coordinated direct action of antifascists attacking their personal and rented vehicles.
Immediately following their December 4th D.C. march, anti-fascist infiltrators within Patriot Front, along with researchers and groups across the country, began to publiclyidentifycurrentmembersofPatriot Front, as part of an ongoing campaign to notify our local communities about neo-Nazis threats.
***For a gallery of all recently identified members of Patriot Front, click here!***
Conry is responsible for the bulk of fascist propaganda placed in WNC over the last six months including stickers, stenciled graffiti and banner drops. He is the main creator of the stencils and banners for the western half of North Carolina using a Cricut machine to make his fascist stencils
Marcus NC mentions Jesse’s ability to create fascist propaganda.
While Patriot Front likes to try to keep their image as clean as they can get, members break organizational rules: as did Charles when he posted a swastika on a local bookstore along with PF stickers on the night of January 8th. He was also spotted placing stickers in downtown Asheville with another yet-to-be-identified individual.
Charlie’s attempt to intimidate the community he just moved to.
The swastika sticker reads “We will not forget Waukesha”, a new rallying cry for racists trying to exploite a tragedy.
He has also been busy in a “tag war” with local anti-racists under the Amboy Rd bridge at the French Broad River Park where he likes to stencil PF garbage.
Charlie Conry’s contribution to Asheville before it was covered up.
He seems to be upset about how quickly his banners get removed and burned. It’s good to know that he follows us on twitter, get your news from the source Chuckie!
While all of this is disturbing enough and warrants a mention, he had much more nefarious plans that fell through. In a video leaked online by Unicorn Riot, Charlie and “Adam NC” are seen scouting the Bridge Park in Sylva, North Carolina. The reason for the trip was to look for cameras in the area so the group could vandalize a Harriet Tubman statue called Journey to Freedom. The traveling sculpture was not attacked and is currently on public display in Philadelphia. Patriot Front has been responsible for vandalizing many murals and sculptures across the country the past two years. All works of art they have tried to destroy have been targeted because of either their inclusive nature or ties to Black Lives Matter movement. The only reason the Tubman sculpture in Sylva was spared was a heavy dose of paranoia and incompetence of North Carolina Patriot Front membership. North Carolina’s Patriot Front crew is known for hanging their banners upside down by accident, infighting, having their propaganda taken down immediately and torched. The Carolinas collectively have yet to actually get assigned a regional number of their own that other areas have.
IdiotsDamn idiots.
Charlie Conry drove the fascists to drop a banner in Greenville South Carolina.
Conry with his banner in Greenville SC. Note the plate on Charlie’s Jeep MAV1USMC decal on the back of Conry’s Jeep. “Adam NC” pictured on the right.Conry wearing a skull gaiter backwards. These can be bought basically anywhere but within fascist circles it’s a nod to the violent neo-nazi group Atomwaffen Division.Conry with “Adam NC” and “Patrick NC” as “Marcus NC” films from a distance.Charlie unfortunately not crashing his car full of nazis into a tree.
Below Conry is discussing the strange behavior of James NC while he filmed the two scouting the area around the statue. While it’s unclear whether “James NC” might have left the organization in November, or rejoined as some chats infer, we know he has a track record of never truly distancing himself from fascist organizing. Three years ago James NC, or rather Somerled Macdougall, was identified as the local fascist that was placing the now defunct Identity Evropa. Somerled probably feels like he got out of PF (again) just in time, but we remember you. How’s the wedding photography business going? Thanks for picking up the camera and picking new unwitting clients to film, super sweet of you.
Charlie definitely has more than one shirt.
Adam NC (left) and Charlie Conry (Right) at the Bridge Park in Sylva, NCCharles Sean Conry standing next to the statue he intends to deface.
Below is Conry’s message to Thomas Rousseau about the scouting mission, concerning James NC.
“He’s been late to the majority of weekly meetings and has missed a handful altogether.
He has very odd filming habits referring specifically to the Harriet Tubman statue scouting mission that Adam Nc and Myself Planned in Sylva, NC which James was also late to and he filmed our faces and us talking while scouting the area, which made us feel uncomfortable and then bailed shortly after when we had a pre planned banner drop. Adam then asked him for the footage and he took a week to send it to Adam. At that point neither Adam nor myself felt comfortable completing and further planning in dealing with the statue which would have undoubtedly led to further membership. James mentioned while we were putting up ProMat downtown as a group Oct 1st that it would be a good idea to complain on social media posing as a “liberal”that we (PF) were in the area as a way to give us inorganic recognition, which to say the least is distasteful. The same group that doxxed him before he was in PF found our banners rather quickly after we all left on our activism night October 1st and said Antifa group burned one of our banners but not before they wrote “fuck Thomas” on it…they posted the video. I’ve tried to reach out to him a few times since he’s in my area and he didn’t respond till days later and then the next time he bailed day of. He also bailed on coming with us for the mount Mitchell hike because he couldn’t sleep with a pocket knife. Adam NC can verify all of this as well let me know if you want to talk on mumble about it. “
Charlie Conry moved to Fairview, NC, a twenty minute drive from downtown Asheville about two years ago from Satellite Beach/Melbourne, Florida area. His current employment is unknown but is likely remote work in finances.
Conry’s previous “job”.
Conry lives in a newer house bought by his partner named Natalie Jean Cox who works for Superior Skilled Trades as a “National Account Manager”. With the amount of propaganda coming out of her home we have a hard time believing she has no clue what her live-in nazi is up to in the basement.
From one of two of Natalie’s Facebook on the left. The right picture is from Zillow. The mantle helps confirm the address.“Superior Skilled Trades (SST) is a Veteran / Minority owned skilled trade staffing company.”
Charlie Conry likes to play disc golf and might be found at local courses like Richmond Hill.
Charlie’s disc golf tote with the name “conman” on it.
Other Patriot Front members identified around the country can be found here.
As always if you have any additional information about Charlie feel free to email tips to ashevilleantiracism (at)
Back in March, white supremacist and overt Neo-Nazi circles began to circulate event flyers for “White Lives Matter” marches to take place on April 11th in cities and towns around the country. While it was billed as a “grassroots” movement of “normal white people standing up for what is right”, a look behind the scenes via Corvallis Against Fascism’s leak of the event organizer’s admin chat logs show a different story. The march leaders for many different cities’ events openly use swastikas on their profiles, logos for groups like the National Socialist Order (an Atomwaffen reiteration/splinter group) and the American National socialist Party, and have usernames like Raleigh, NC rally organizer “ϟϟRide_The_Bolts ϟϟ”, and Orange County organizer “Your Fuhrer”.
What antifascist infiltrators also found in the Telegram organizing chats was that among identified members of Neo-Nazi organizations like National Socialist Club and New Jersey European Heritage Association, the highest common membership factor for any organization was in fact with the Proud Boys.
The biggest story regarding the White Lives Matter rallies that were scheduled on the weekend of April 11th was the success of antifascists in infiltrating their chats and wreaking havoc on their ability to organize successfully. The weekend saw remarkably low turnout all around the country. Asheville saw one lone racist who was quickly identified as Lucas McCain Hall of Fairview, NC, before being chased off (he eventually snuck back around town and waved a flag briefly again while being heckled, later on).
Lucas Mccain Hall, the sole attendee for the fash side of Asheville’s attempt at a White Lives Matter rally on 4/11/21Lucas McCain Hall’s landscaping work truck: complete with contact information written along it’s side.
Despite their epic failure, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists began attempts at organizing shortly after for another set of coordinated White Lives Matter rallies across the country, this time scheduled for 9am on May 8th. Here’s where we meet the subject of our article and sole organizer of the White Lives Matter rally in N.C. for May 8th, Joseph Boswell Gartrell IV.When organizing for the May WLM events began, a new Telegram channel was quickly made. Those interested in organizing the events for their states/areas volunteered to do so and were given Administrator access to their own Telegram channels and chats for their respective WLM events. By this point, the previous N.C. event organizer, “ϟϟRide_The_Bolts ϟϟ”, had been dubbed a “fed” by current WLM organizers. In his place steps user “Joe WhiteShark” or @jreb93 to take the reigns of organizing the next White Lives Matter rally in North Carolina.
It was fairly quick and easy to link “Joe” to his Parler and Gab accounts (linked above), which both used the same display name of “Joe WhiteShark”, and a slight variation of his username @jreb93 on Telegram- to @joereb93 on Parler. It’s immediately noted that Joe represents himself as an American Patriot Three Percenter, and ‘soft’ represents the Proud Boys through common signifiers like calling himself a “Western Chauvinist” and “F.A.F.O” (Fuck Around and Find Out).
Let’s talk about the history of the Three Percenters movement, of which the group American Patriot Three Percenters is one of many splinters. The Three Percenter Movement was founded by Michael Brian Vanderboegh in 2008 amid a reactionary rise of nationalist fervor, along with white supremacist and conservative political organizing in the face of Barack Obama’s election as the first black president of the United States. Other reactionary movement examples of this time are the Tea Party Movement and the beginnings of the Alt-Right Movement. Vanderboegh had a long history of anti-immigrant, homophobic, anti-government, militia movement organizing and activity. From his authoring of “Strategy and Tactics for a Militia Civil War”, to participation in militia “patrols” along the US-Mexico border, and his unpublished novel Absolved – which was cited as the inspiration for a 2011 plot by Georgia militia members to go on a multi-city bio-terrorism rampage with ricin.
The III% movement has been rife with internal upheaval, drama, and fracturing in many directions over the past few years. While the movement is outwardly anti-government overreach, it has always carried heavy undercurrents via it’s activities of chapters and members of a anti-immigrant, homophobic, and white supremacist nature. For example, in August, the Arkansas American Patriots III% and other militia members showed up at a march against racism and in northern Arkansas to block the protesters’ access to a Ku Klux Klan compound by request of the KKK to ‘provide security.’ There are myriad examples, from Unite the Right in Charlottesville to 2020’s Stone Mountain rally, of III%er formations openly organizing and participating in racist events- despite what many chapters have said on the heels of bad press for their involvement in these events.
Now, Joe WhiteShark’s profile’s also provide an example of what he’s about by the content he chooses to share there. Going back just a week there are two posts that stick out as prime examples of his beliefs and intentions. The first is a post sharing the White Lives Matter rally flyer for NC. The second is of a video, the preview snapshot of which including the “black sun” or sonnenrad. This is a Nazi symbol widely used by many Neo-Nazi and fascist groups and individuals, including the Christchurch, NZ murderer Brenton Tarrant who murdered 51 people in a horrific fascist attack on worshipers at two mosques. If there was any question about the level of belief and intention of Joseph Boswell Gartrell IV, it’s long gone.
Much like last month’s planning for WLM rallies, antifascist researchers again infiltrated the admin chats for the second round attempt and leaked them ahead of time. While these chats weren’t incredibly active, “Joe Whiteshark” did give us another clue toward confirming his identity. In conversation with the Florida WLM rally organizer “Cracker”, Joe suggests he “March down OBT” and that he “just moved” from an area called Hunters Creek before the Covid-19 lockdowns last year. These are references to the Orlando area, with OBT referring to the strip Orange Blossom Trail, and Hunters Creek being a south Orlando neighborhood.
Aside from his own words in the chat logs and these racist social media profiles of “Joe WhiteShark’s”, there is also an old Twitter account of his that recycles the username @jreb93. Between all of the accounts, Joe gives a particularly detailed ‘About’ description, which is ultimately helpful in verifying his identity as Joseph Boswell Gartrell IV. Such details, including the Orlando reference, sum up to:
– a Navy UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) veteran, serving sometime between 1980-1988.
-His dad was a WWII Navy veteran and SBD (Scout Bomber Douglas) dive bomber.
– Being born and raised in South Miami, Florida, and an avid Miami Hurricanes fan to which his dad is an alumnus.
– Recently moving to North Carolina some time before April of 2020, and living in Orlando, FL before that.
A bit more diligent research utilizing the clues “Joe Whiteshark” left us throughout the internet turns up Joseph Gartrell’s old LinkedIn page. Here we get confirmation of him growing up in South Miami, being a Navy UDT diver in the early/mid 1980’s, and recently living and working in the Orlando area before moving to North Carolina. As icing on the cake, we were even able to find record of his father Joseph Boswell Gartrell Jr’s Navy training memorial post confirming his SBD dive bomber experience during WWII.
There are few and far between images of Joseph Boswell Gartrell IV on the internet, unfortunately. The few we’ve included also span a 20 year period with large gaps in time between. Please feel free to send us any tips and information regarding Joe Boswell via email. What we do know is Joe is living and operating in the Winston Salem area of North Carolina and an active white supremacist organizer who is a danger to our communities. Don’t give him an inch!
Excerpt from Cesar and Carrie article published in 2018 where Carrie Pierce was first outed, though the focus of the article was on Cesar Armando Arvelo Santos and his life-long history of National Socialist (read Nazi) organizing:
Carrie, is not just complacent with Cesar’s fascist ideology, they actively participate in it. From attending pre-August 12th Charlottesville rallies held by white supremacists to chatting it up with his douchestaffel, goose stepping friends online. If you ever happen to get your tarot read by Carrie, be aware that whatever you tell them will be reposted on her personal Facebook mocking your problems.
Self proclaimed “investigator” and online troll, Carrie Lynn Pierce has been feeding information to the far-right and more modest conservatives online under the alias “Heather Wesley.” While some people are wise to who she really is and are knowingly spreading misinformation about her identity, many conservatives locally have no clue who they are actually communicating with online. She masquerades as a middle of the road conservative who only wants to protect the status quo and encourage people to vote for Trump and Madison Cawthorn.
Carrie’s true intention is to deceive and inject her own campaign of bigoted harassment into the forefront further radicalizing conservatives. Her reality is so far removed from the online personas she uses, we hope this article will shed light on her current positions and past affiliations. It’s important that all understand her network’s connection to Carrie’s personal harassment campaign against her perceived opponents.
******Brief Note: For viewing larger images that may appear pixelated in this text, we recommend downloading those images to your non-mobile device and viewing them there in order to see their full detail and all their text. We always recommend scanning files before downloading them from any source you don’t fully trust, for viruses or malware of any kind. Always better safe than sorry. *****
Carrie Pierce may not ring a bell to many people outside of radical right and antifascist circles. She was simply a small feature in an exposé about her husband Cesar Arvelo Santos, a life-long virulent fascist who held rank in the now defunct Neo-Nazi group the Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP). Cesar was exposed as a “Commander” of TWP in 2018. Cesar was not only present at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, he lead charges of Nazis in shield wall formations that descended upon the university city. We initially made brief mention of Carrie in our article about Cesar not only because of her complicity in his fascist organizing, but also her participation in it. At the time we’d put together a report on Cesar, Carrie seemed like small beans or low hanging fruit compared to her hubby, but now that she has become embedded within local conservative circles (largely under false pretenses), she now deserves her own article.
It’s interesting to note that while we can neither confirm nor deny whether or not Carrie Pierce was in Charlottesville, VA for the Unite the Right rally back in 2017, she was marked as “going” for the event according to Facebook and certainly took part in lots of discourse leading up to it with her Neo-Nazi and White Nationalist friends. One part we’d like to point out is the hilariously incorrect prediction “Carrie the Psychic” makes in the comments of her post. Doesn’t seem worth 2.99$/minute to call her hotline…
Carrie Pierce under her alias “Heather Wesley” is one of the most incessant posters and personalities on several “private” conservative pages on Facebook. She provides personal information on any she deems her enemy to Chad Nesbitt of “Skyline News” as an investigative journalist, Adrian AJ Fox (running for sheriff), Sanjit Patel, a local provocateur via West Asheville Neighborhood Alliance (WANA), and various other local goons. People should be alarmed that the information they are being fed is coming from a such a clear source of violent white supremacist ideology. Her audience might find a foul taste in their mouth if they knew of her Neo-Nazi connections. After all, the main membership of these pages tend to claim a vague form of patriotism that allegedly denounces racism and fascism. Even more alarming is the fact thatChad Nesbitt and Skyline News are completely aware of the fact that “Heather Wesley” is in fact Carrie Pierce, and actively provide her with a platform for a continuous, baseless targeted harassment campaign.This is not by mistake; the thirst for attention and notoriety dismisses any concerns of accurate reporting by Skyline News. With this tactic, Chad Nesbitt’s credibility goes (even farther) out the window along with his concerns for his readers’ safety.
Chad Nesbitt of the pseudo-news source “Skyline News” has made mention of his prized “Investigative Journalist” online before, and on their birthday nonetheless. On August 1st, Chad Nesbitt wished his journalist “Raven” a happy birthday. As noted above, Carrie Pierce’s birthday is August 1st, 1979. Carrie has an alternate Facebook account under the moniker “Raven Hex”. Not only does Carrie use the moniker “Hex13” for her Parler and accounts as per ‘Heather Wesley’, she also uses her birth year in many of her main accounts. Carrie’s twitters are @Cpierce79 and @Folkbunny79. Thanks to Chad Nesbitt’s awful security culture, and Carrie’s extensive online fingerprint we can confirm that the “Raven” whom Nesbitt is referring to is none other than Carrie Lynn Pierce. Thanks Chad, and happy late birthday Carrie.
Unfortunately for Carrie, the connections don’t stop with Nesbitt’s loose lips. As you can see below, Carrie Pierce and Heather Wesley’s accounts share quite a few similarities. Both accounts are self-proclaimed Norse Pagans, anti-Communist, anti-antifa, have a military background, and adhere to the “Goth” style. On her account as Heather Wesley, Carrie even admits that she isn’t who her fake account reflects. Notice that on March 16 both Carrie’s main account and her Heather Wesley account updated their profile picture with the same exact frame. Carrie’s “Heather Wesley” account also regularly interacts with Chad Nesbitt and his wife Nancy Nesbitt. Carrie’s main profile and her Heather Wesley profile interact with and have mutual friends. Carrie even uses a fake liberal Facebook account to gather information on the left.. This additional fake account also has mutual friends with Carrie’s “Heather Wesley” profile. Carrie’s need for retribution and validation has left a messy but cohesive trail of her online motives and movements.
Carrie incessantly posts on conservative Facebook forums as “Heather Wesley” and moderates a few as well. Not only does Carrie moderate for Buncombe & NC Conservatives Facebook group, She runs WNC Conservatives Underground. WNC Conservatives Underground is a forum designed to gather information on the left and used to harass and intimidate community members.
Next we’re going to take a look at how the information Carrie compiles on anyone she deems a “member of antiFa” rapidly ends up on various white supremacist platforms. Carrie was originally outed as a part of the larger white supremacist movement in August of 2018. You’ll notice when looking back at many of her social media sock accounts that the creation dates are typically September or October of 2018. In response to her and her husband Cesar’s outing as a lifelong Neo-Nazi, and because she thinks of herself as some sort of tech-wiz Carrie began a campaign of targeted harassment against anyone and everyone with open stances against white supremacy in Asheville that she could find on social media. It’s important to note that despite the intention of the harassment campaign, it created new ways for targeted antifascists to band together- including self-defense classes and raising enough money for firearms classes and concealed carry permits.
Now let’s look to some of Carrie’s old friends and how they link to the proliferation of targeted harassment publications filled with gross misogyny and transphobia. The key players here are going to be Brad Griffin AKA Hunter Wallace of the Occidental Dissident, and Michael Carothers AKA Michael Weaver of the White Information Network. Atlanta Antifascists have done some amazing work outlining both Carothers and Griffin and the history and extent of their organizing in white nationalist circles. The targeted harassment campaign against Carrie’s perceived opponents was published back in January 2019 first on Carothers’ White Information Network, then on Stormfront, the oldest white power website created by Klan leader Don Black back in 1995.
Bradley Dean Griffin of Eufaula, Alabama, has an extensive history of harassment campaigns against perceived enemies. Griffin worked with white nationalist Daniel McMahon (AKA “Jack Corbin” and “Pale Horse”) against his opponents. McMahon spent years harassing anti-racists – especially women – but was finally arrested last year for cyberstalking, threats, and interference against a Black candidate for office. White supremacist Robert Bowers who in October of 2018 murdered eleven people and wounded six in an attack on the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, had earlier offered Griffin an address for an anti-racist blogger targeted by Griffin.
Michael David Carothers has been an active white supremacist for over two decades. Carothers has been active in the National Alliance, and also in the white supremacist “World Church of the Creator” for several years beginning in 1999. Along with being a key APUSA member (tying him to events like Rock Stone Mountain II) he maintains the “White Information Network” site. This is one place Carrie was able to get the doxes of antifascists put online. White Information Network is a site where Carothers asks readers such things as to support terrorists like “Olympic Park Bomber” Eric Rudolph.
Before Carrie Lynn Pierce worked for Chad Nesbitt at Skyline News or even moved to Asheville, she already had tried to establish a career in the paranormal. This will constitute as the only journalistic experience Carrie has ever had, and sadly the most the most thorough of her work compared to her current job with Skyline News. Back in 2007 after her bid in the Air Force, Carrie moved to Canada and became to the director of her own paranormal research team called The Meadowvale Spookies. In her description of herself as Director on the team’s website, she connects herself to the “Valkyrie” alias again, and confirms many of her past cities lived in, etc.
She even co-hosted a brief podcast known as Dead Hour Radio about the paranormal where she again ties us to another recycled alias, “Scary Carrie”. When Carrie made one of her many psychic website profiles, she ties to a variation on her “Valkyrie” alias adding on to it to make it “Northern Valkyrie” to speak to her living in Canada at the time.
It is unsurprising that even back in 2010, Carrie was performing the exact same behaviors she’s exhibiting now – a campaign to malign and harass her perceived opponents. As evidenced with a couple of screenshots below, Carrie began a flame war between the community of mediums she was operating in up in Canada after starting a website attempting to call out another psychic. Carrie’s handling of being questioned about the validity of her words lead to backlash in a thread of comments naming all of Carrie’s information and alleged misdeeds. One of which is the allegation she was scamming the Make A Wish foundation, which would indeed be particularly nasty and not outside the scope of possibility.
There were also a lot of foul characterizations and insults we didn’t want to publish and give a platform from these comments either. Our enemies are our enemies and we will give them no quarter, but sinking to their level in insults is something we’ve learned causes more harm to our friends than our enemies.
Lives in: Enka/Candler area of Western North Carolina. Previously of Canton, NC.
Physical Description: About 5’10”, 165 lbs, blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair, long and patchy brown beard, has a celtic cross tattoo above and totenkopf tattoo below- on the topside of his left forearm, often wears baseball caps with hard bent bill.
Asheville AntiRacism originally outed Joshua Cody Case as Grand Dragon of the Patriotic Brigade Knights (PBK) of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) back in March of 2016 shortly after recruitment flyers for the PBK showed up on car windshields in town. Back in 2016, exposing Joshua Case occurred via flyers posted around Asheville, and on Facebook. Today we are going to more thoroughly map out Joshua Cody Case’s violent racism, long-standing membership and affiliation with the KKK, and recent engagement with local protests.
Before we get started, here’s Josh Case literally just repeatedly saying he was the one who put out the KKK recruitment flyers back in 2016. And to ice that first slice of cake, he then shares the local news story about the recruitment flyers with the ever-cryptic post along side it “What say you?”
Below you’ll see Josh Case posing with his KKK handbook for the PBK’s Facebook page. The Patriotic Brigade Knights are one of many Klan groups who claim to have membership across all 13 southern states, though research suggests the PBK’s total active membership numbers are likely in the dozens. They are headquartered in Gladewater, TX with mail-in applications linking back to a P.O. box there. The PBK claims they are a “Christian Identity Klan” though they also openly welcome people of other faiths. They specifically mention and welcome Odinists, also known as followers of Asatru, on their website. For more information on white supremacist ties to a particular Odinist group – Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) – we suggest our previous dox of local AFA member Christopher Michael Pack.
Joshua Cody Case was appointed to the position “Grand Dragon” in the state of North Carolina. This rank within the KKK is not a passive role. It requires that the participant communicate with the larger network as well as set up a cell in their region or “realm”. Duties include assigning tasks to others such as recruitment, treasury, and weapons training. The KKK symbol seen on Josh’s hat and handbook has gone through several transformations over the years, but today most klansmen understand the blood drop to represent blood spilled by white people “fighting for their race.”
It is also considered the primary symbol of KKK groups, and goes by such names as the “blood drop” cross, or as the KKK often refers to it “MIOAK” or “Mystic Insignia of a Klansman”. It is most commonly found on their flags, patches, and as you can see below, their handbooks. There are a large number of KKK symbols, dog whistles, and abbreviations which we’ll go more into below.
While we’re talking about identifying symbols of the KKK, lets talk about the Celtic Cross and Totenkompf, what they mean, where they’re from, and the fact they are tattooed onto Joshua Case’s left forearm.
The Celtic Cross that adorns Josh’s forearm is not inherently racist but has been co-opted by white supremacists in the past few decades. It is particularly popular in Germany with neo-nazis as the swastika is banned in that country. You may recognize the symbol as a Catholic cross, hence the Irish history, but since Case grew up a Baptist we can only assume the tattoo has nothing to do with church.
The totenkopf, or Death’s Head, was a symbol worn on the uniforms of SS officers in Hitler’s Army. Both the Celtic Cross and totenkopf are more closely associated with neo-nazis than the KKK, which leads us to the conclusion that Josh is willing to join more than one white power movement.
Here’s a brief breakdown of some of the KKK terminology and abbreviations that are used in the below images and their meanings:
Race War -A longtime popularized idea by white supremacists and hardcore neo-nazis is to create and take part in a Race War. It is in fact a founding principle to begin a race war of groups like Atomwaffen and Feuerkrieg Division. You may see this referred to as RaHoWa a shortening of ‘Racial Holy War’, or ‘The Day of the Rope’, or as GTKRWN an abbreviation of ‘Gas the Kikes, Race War Now’. The concept of a race war has been popularized by books like The Turner Diaries and Seige.
ORION – shorthand for “Our Race Is Our Nation”
88 – 88 is a white supremacist numerical shorthand for “Heil Hitler.” Since H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, 88 = HH or Heil Hitler.
14/110 – 14 is a reference to the ’14 words’ a popular white supremacist slogan- ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. 109 is white supremacist numeric shorthand for the number of countries anti-Semites claim Jews have been expelled from. In calling for the expulsion of Jews from the U.S., they often refer to the U.S. as the 110th.
FGRN: Shorthand for “For God, Race and Nation”
The Organization – The members of the KKK commonly refer to the KKK itself as such ambiguous alternatives as ‘The Organization’, ‘The Empire’, and most notably ‘The Invisible Empire’
League of the South flag – The League of the South flag, nicknamed “The Cushman Flag” and “The Southern Nationalist Flag” – is is all-white with a black ‘X’ spreading from corner to corner. The League of the South is a white nationalist, neo-confederate group with hardcore neo-nazi ties.
AKIA – shorthand for “A Klansman I Am”
KLASP – shorthand for “Klannish Loyalty, A Sacred Principle”
Joshua Cody Case was born and raised in Candler, NC and has spent most of his life there, aside from a short time living in Canton, NC. Josh Case’s primary interests are hunting, firearms, and wilderness survival. Case used to frequent such bars as The Mountain View in Candler. He has been fired from several jobs since he was first ousted as a lowly racist in 2016, but still finds temporary work in construction as a backhoe operator or tree trimmer.
It’s both interesting and ironic the level of identification he has with a “redneck” life, given the diverse history of what a “redneck” is/was. Not only is it used as a demonstrative for the poor, white, rural southerner – but it is more specifically tied to a racially diverse coalition of coal miners in Appalachia in the early 20th century. These coal miners came together specifically to fight the coal companies’ deadly grip on the lives of the working people and their families. The term “redneck” came from the red bandannas they wrapped around their necks as they marched on Blair Mountain during the Mine Wars.
This side of southern history has sadly been largely hidden and looked over, which has directly led to an identity crisis for much of the working class south. That identity crisis is directly correlated to the co-optation by white supremacist ideology of southern history.
Josh Case has recently come back into the local discourse after he showed up to the counter demonstration responding to the “DEFUND” mural painted on the road outside of the police station in downtown Asheville. The initial call for a patriot presence on social media came from local far-right grifter ‘journalist’ Chad Nesbitt and agitator Sanjit Patel (but more on them later). Josh Case started using more palatable group affiliations to publicly identity with over time. Going from the KKK to League of the South (LOS), to the III% militia. Despite his fluidity in his affiliations, his virulently racist ideals have stood the test of time. The fact that we have to dive back into this sorry excuse for a human is telling. It shows that while he might have changed handbooks, he is still as violent as ever, and not honest about his past or present intentions.
Locals have known of Joshua Case and his role as Grand Dragon of the PBK of the KKK for 5 years now. His presence at the counter demonstration with a semi-automatic rifle was immediately recognized, noted, and shared throughout the community. This has since led to an arrest warrant for Case being issued for his possession of and carrying a firearm at a public protest.
To be clear, we do not rely on the cops or courts to do our work for us. Regardless of when our enemies do become targets of the state, it does nothing to change the fact that the cops uphold white supremacy and the status quo. They still attack us and everyone who resists oppression. This is why we believe we must rely on ourselves to protect ourselves and stop the fascists.
What we continue to see is that Joshua Cody Case exhibits the same historical behaviors, including violent threats, dishonesty, and publicly posturing as a victim and ‘patriot’.
Now lets briefly talk about Josh Case and his history of irresponsible and unsafe practices with weapons. First you can see a 7 hour difference in these posts of Josh Case getting ready to get his drink on for the night, and then the resulting misfire of a pistol into his own leg. As gun owners we know that firearm safety is the most important aspect of gun ownership and operation. It’s impossible to safely handle a firearm if you are under the influence of alcohol, no matter how much you feel you deserve the buzz.
We have extensive archives of the extremely racist, disgusting words and images Joshua Case has shared over the years. While we don’t always feel it’s necessary to further publicize such gross ideological positions, it is also important for people to understand exactly who they are dealing with when they come across people like Josh Case in everyday life. Whether it be at a protest, on the street, in a bar, at work, or even just being in the same Facebook group. The following screenshots are just some of that documentation.
A little over two years prior to this exposé, fascist recruitment flyers and stickers were anonymously posted here in western North Carolina. In October of 2017, less than two months after the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, neo-nazi propaganda was posted on UNCA campus. Just two months after that incident, a Christmas parade route in Canton, NC was littered with the same posters and stickers in mid-December. Both times the local news reported on the incidents and both times materials were found promoting the hate group Identity Evropa (IE), currently rebranded as American Identity Movement (AmIM). It is worth noting that for at least the UNCA incident, the white nationalist propaganda was quickly taken down and disposed of.
In both cases local citizens, journalists, and anti-racists were curious about who had posted these flyers. With few leads to go on, researchers couldn’t be sure if the two events were even done by the same person. While digging through discord chat logs from the Identity Evropa server released by Unicorn Riot in March 2018, we came across the handle “NCSC“. In these leaked discord chats, NCSC takes credit for putting up the flyers and stickers in both incidents, gloating especially hard when the local news quoted a statement from Identity Evropa’s website (way to give the fascist a platform guys).
“However, I was concerned about some of the Discord messages mentioned in the article. REMINDER: Do not post negative things about other races; do not advocate violence; do not use crude language. In short, do not say anything that, if leaked, would make us look bad.”
User NCSC gives us a number of clues that lead us to a clear identification of them as Somerled Macdougall. First are the posts made regarding his then soon-to-be born daughter and the plan to name her Sigrun. Then, NCSC goes on to tell us about their personal history growing up in the DC area, living in Raleigh, NC, living in Poland, and finally settling in the Asheville area.
While this was enough to point us to Somerled Macdougall all on its own, we were reminded of a previous user in Unicorn Riot discord leaks that also claimed to be a husband from Asheville, with kids, and a wife from Poland. This discord username was “deactivated“, and was a participant in the Anticom and Southern Front servers, for the groups Anticommunist Action and Vanguard America, respectively.
Vanguard America (VA) is now most notably known for it’s member James Alex Fields‘ vehicular attack on anti-racist counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, murdering Heather Heyer. In the wake of the deadly Charlottesville rally, VA went through it’s own internal power struggle ending with a change in it’s authoritarian leadership from former Marine Corps recruiter Dillon Ulysses Hopper to then 18-year-old Texan Thomas Rousseau aka ‘Thomas Ryan’. Rousseau went on to change the name of the organization to Patriot Front, though the organization’s ideology never changed from its explicitly “American Fascist” ideology. For a more in-depth look at the interconnection, rebranding, and common memberships throughout the stages of the group’s current name – from Atomwaffen Division to American Reaction to American Vanguard to Vanguard America to National Bloc to Patriot Front – click here
AntiCommunist Action (ACA) is a Nazi-affiliated organization that took part in the Unite The Right rally, white nationalist protests in Berkeley, CA, and acted as part of event security for the Richard Spencer speech in Gainesville, FL in October 2017. This is the Gainesville, FL speaking event that ended with the Fears brothers, Colton and William Fears, along with Tyler Tenbrink attempting to murder of a counter protestor. ACA has continually increased its violent rhetoric and incitement for political violence against their ‘enemies’. As reported on by non-profit media organization Unicorn Riot following their publishing of discord chat logs from ACA:
Beyond antisemitic acts of vandalism, many of the messages sent by Anticom supporters cross the line into clearly inciting violence and present serious public safety concerns. A Dropbox link posted in Anticom’s Discord user iSpringfield in April contained a folder of manuals detailing how to create various forms of explosives, such as grenades and blasting caps. (In part one of this story, we showed how earlier chats in the Anticom server included a proposed backpack bomb terror attack against antifa protesters.)
Now, ‘deactivated’ also gives us a number of clues that lead us to the clear identification of them as Somerled Macdougall. Such clues include living in Asheville, the nickname “Mac”, his age, his wife being from Poland, and most notably the fact he and his wife have a professional business filming events. Not only does he mention the business but Somerled offers to film the events of the Charlottesville rally for Vanguard America. The event-based cinematography business Somerled and Aleksandra Macdougall own and operate is Nine Worlds Films. Nine worlds refers to Norse mythology. As we have mentioned before, practicing Pagan religions is not inherently nefarious though many white nationalists mar the religion by incorporating white supremacy into their beliefs. Their website and contact information can be found below.
Utilizing clues from both discord usernames’ posts Asheville Anti-Racism can unequivocally say that “NCSC” and “deactivated” are one in the same – Somerled Macdougall. When the account “deactivated” goes silent around the Charlottesville rally, shortly after “NCSC” appears.
In addition to other clues honing into ID’ing this fascist, there were several pictures he posted on Discord of his new property on August 18th 2017. Not only do online records confirm that his house at 118 Wisteria Way was bought on the same date, pictures of the garage on Zillow’s website match up with the garage “NCSC” posted on the nazi forum. In the post he writes about how the garage had housed the previous owners RV camper which is seen in photo’s on Zillow.
NCSC post on Discord
You can clearly see that the garage is the same from photos from two different sources. With the lighter/newer rafters at the top, the pulled back tarp on the backside, the single light bulb hanging on the fourth rafter in on the right of the peak, the sides matching, wooden beams having the same knots, and the broken black asphalt on the right side of the entrance lined by a wooden fence. The hillside on the left, trees behind, and dimensions also add up nicely. 118 Wisteria Way is the address associated with both Somerled and Aleksandra MacDougall.
Somerled spends ample time bragging to his Nazi buddies online about how racist his wife is. At this time we have no proof that Aleksandra shares her husband’s beliefs or even knows about his fascist organizing. It would be a far stretch that she wouldn’t have any idea what her husband is doing. What we do know is that when offering to film the bloodbath that was Charlottesville, Somerled insinuates that he and his wife would be happy to use their professional equipment to capture the event.
At the very best she has no clue what is going on when her husband is online instead of editing video from wedding ceremonies. At the worst she is fully aware and hides her and her husband’s bigoted beliefs from clients while lining her pockets. Paying thousands of dollars for someone to capture ‘the moment’ shouldn’t come with the risk of your friends’ and family’s exposure to an avowed white supremacist organizer. Maybe even more worrisome than funding hate groups with your wedding is the fact that a fascist has copies of videos of your entire wedding party. It’s dangerous enough to have a white supremacist, antisemitic fascist attending an event that may have people of color, queer, or Jewish identities present, including the fact that he is filming you the entire time and backing it up on a hard drive.
Within the leaked discord chats connected to the user “deactivated”, Macdougall mentions that he runs a twitter called @DailyRAC. ‘RAC’ stands for “rock against communism” and is a historically reactionary Nazi-skinhead/white power punk rock “movement”. RAC was a direct fascist response to “Rock Against Racism” concerts that were popular in the UK in the 80’s. In the profile bio he writes ,”#blacklivesmatter is an opinion“, followed by “#altRight“. Just in case sneaky Somerled tries to deactivate his twitter in the wake of this exposé, we archived it here.
Profile picture is a scene from the film “American History X” of a neo-nazi skinhead blowing smoke into a black teenagers face.
Make no mistake, there are those who wish to claim these mountains for their own hate-filled ideology. Fascist organizing is a threat to our communities and our communities deserve better! When the seeds of hate start to grow into weeds, pull them from your garden by the root. If you have any tips/information you’d like to share with us, reach out via email at And remember, don’t give him an inch.
James Patrick Shillinglaw is a long-time white supremacist in the south, attending various rallies over the years that are mostly tied to confederate monuments. Shillinglaw has resided in Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, with the majority of his recent years living in the Jacksonville, FL area and working as a “historian” at the Southern History Museum. It is unlikely he still works there officially, though it is likely he remains on their Board of Directors. He can be seen as early as August 2015 in the public sphere, when he was escorted out of a Lake City, FL council meeting to retire the city seal including the confederate flag, while chanting “Southern lives matter, southern lives matter”. James Shillinglaw is also notable on the Appointed Staff list for the Florida Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Rallies across the southern US in support of the southern confederacy and its relics have long been a bastion of racially-based intimidation and hate, and displays of white supremacy- all thinly veiled (if veiled at all) as “southern heritage”. While there are many in the south who have little to no opinion about the Confederate flag or any of the 100s of monuments coming down, the unseen reality is the rallies around them have been used as networking opportunities for white supremacist, white nationalist, and fascist groups for decades. The Ku Klux Klan uses the confederate flag as its imagery, the League of the South (LOS) uses a variation as its imagery, Identity Dixie (ID) uses a variation of its imagery, the list goes on.
The vast majority of Shillinglaw’s interest and activity in white supremacist movements is tied to the failed southern confederacy and confederate monuments. Confederate monuments are also part of a documented historical legacy known as The Lost Cause of the Confederacy, or the Cult of the Lost Cause. This refers to an ideology of pseudo-history based on negation, that supposes the American Civil War was not centrally based on slavery, and repaints the Confederacy as ‘just, equitable and heroic’ instead. If you look at the history of confederate monuments being built around the US, there are waves of new installations post-WWI and again in the 1950’s and 1960’s. This is because just after WWI the last of the shamed confederate veterans were dying, and groups like Heirs to the Confederacy or United Daughters of the Confederacy had statues commissioned and dedicated as a way to subvert their legacy of white supremacy and put a heroic, selfless, idealized spin on it, denying any immorality. The second wave occurred in the 50’s and 60’s as (you guessed it) a reactionary antagonism of the Civil Rights movement.
Before we get into Shillinglaw’s specific ties to white supremacist organizations and actions, we’d like to share another aspect of his history of violence. In November 2013, James Patrick Shillinglaw was arrested and held before being bonded out for felony aggravated child abuse (827.03(1)(A)) in Jacksonville, FL. The details of his actions are abhorrent, and include beating and choking the victim for interrupting him on the phone. The specific statute he was charged with reads as follows:
827.03 Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of a child; penalties.—
(1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Aggravated child abuse” occurs when a person:
1. Commits aggravated battery on a child;
2. Willfully tortures, maliciously punishes, or willfully and unlawfully cages a child; or
3. Knowingly or willfully abuses a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child.
As pointed out on Twitter by users @EmilyGorcenski@TTOJAF and @m1523751, James Shillinglaw is documented in LOS group pictures, marching with the League of the South into Charlottesville on August 12th, and taking part in the torch march on the night of August 11th. In particular, the League of the South march into Charlottesville on August 12th is cited as one of the more violent melee attacks of the day, where anyone in their way was met with attack. This included James Patrick Shillinglaw, as he is seen on video assaulting someone with his flagpole here at the 0:35 mark.
Not only is James Shillinglaw a League of the South member, Unite The Right rally attendee and convicted child abuser, he is now being exposed as a member of American Identity Movement (AmIM), formerly known as Identity Evropa (IE). In the Discord chat logs for the White Nationalist group formerly known as Identity Evropa, which were leaked earlier this year by Unicorn Riot, James Shillinglaw operated under the username “Peter Long”.
James Patrick Shillinglaw
DOB: 9/16/1970
Address: 409 Spring Street, Jamestown, NC 27282
Vehicle: Mid/late 2000s Red Dodge Caravan, NC plate HAX3612.
Physical Description: About 6’4″, 190 lbs, short light brown hair mixed with grey and white, hazel eyes, small chin, he often has a well-trimmed boxed beard of the same hair colors.
Profession: Last known job was as Chief Historian at the Museum of Southern History in Jacksonville, FL. Also retired US Navy.
Spouse: Karen Faith (Scott) Shillinglaw
Phone: 757-818-0541
Usernames: shillcw, Peter Long, jimshill, shilljim, angrysaxon14
James Patrick Shillinglaw’s personal Facebook and Twitter pages draw a clear line between his recycled usernames, including that of ‘Peter Long’ which he used in Discord. He then goes on to use his other usernames as the actual handles/URLs for these not-so-anonymous accounts, tying himself from one account with pictures of himself to one without a legal name and filled with awful hate and bigotry.
Within the discord chat itself ‘Peter Long’ doesn’t post too much, but he does let us know that at the time of joining the hate group he lives in Florida. By the time of his last message before the publishing of the leaked chat, he has moved to North Carolina and is actively trying to rally people to (you guessed it) a confederate monument rally in Raleigh, NC. It is worth noting that within the past year, James Patrick Shillinglaw has remained very active in attending confederate rallies throughout his new home state of North Carolina, including as recently as the October rally in Pittsboro, NC.
In the few posts as Peter Long in discord, Shillinglaw shows us he is actively participating by throwing up an Identity Evropa sticker, and shares his preferred white supremacist twitter handle ‘AngrySaxon14’. This is of course a reference to the 14 words, the white nationalist slogan coined by virulent racist David Lane. On discord, Shillinglaw also incessantly asks how the hate group is doing. And ya know, why not mutually follow yourself from your personal account and your even fashier account? And your wife’s racist account? Can’t see how that will go wrong.
From his Facebook to both of his Twitters, the likes and followers are a litany of white nationalist, racist, and fascist, pages and personas. The same can be said of his wife Karen Faith Scott Shillinglaw, who is not a known member of any organization but needs to be held accountable for her views as well. Below are just a couple of the many, many… many examples. Such examples will include 4 different ‘White Lives Matter’ pages, ‘White and Proud’, and 2 different Pioneer Little Europe pages. Pioneer Little Europe is a failed white nationalist project aimed at creating whites-only communities across the United States, most notably in Leith, North Dakota.
James and Karen Shillinglaw also used to share Karen’s Facebook page, before she recently reverted back to her own. Even functioning as a couple’s Facebook page, they had white nationalist support for their photos like League of the South leader Michael Hill. It seems they’ve only been married for a couple years and their connection linked to their support of the southern confederacy. Karen and James are pictured one after another speaking in defense of the confederate flag on the Lake City, FL logo previously mentioned, before James was escorted out.
In summation, James Patrick Shillinglaw is an incredibly racist, violent, active dues paying member of both white nationalist orgnaizations American Identity Movement and League of the South, and is also a known child abuser. He continues to show up for confederate rallies across the region, known recruiting grounds for exactly the same kinds of organizations he actively participates in. James Shillinglaw is a disgusting excuse for a human being and should be shown no mercy for the atrocious actions he’s taken and continues to support. Don’t give him an inch.
As always, if you have any tips/information to share about this particular individual or anyone/thing else feel free to reach out to us via email at ashevilleantiracism (@) protonmail(.)com or ashevilleantiracism (@) riseup(.)net
This is a basic appeal and general warning to the North Carolina community regarding Tia Azar Foster and Jacob Robert Martin of Ananda Animal Refuge and Rescue, as well as Mercy Line Transport based out of the Yadkinville area. This document will concentrate on Tia, as Jacob will be getting his own exposure.
Tia Azar Foster giving a nazi salute in front of Temple Emanuel in Winston Salem.
“Surfing the Kali Yuga” is a popular trope among neo-nazis that practice “esoteric nazism”
Tia not holding back on this profile, using “fashwave” imagery of James Alex Fields along with naming her group “White Tree”.
Tia Foster, also known online as Tia Walsh and Tia Chase, has been hiding some serious skeletons in her closet. Most animal rights activists know Foster by the name Tia Walsh, the lady online that rescues chickens and lives at her bird and fish sanctuary, Ananda Animal Refuge and Rescue. White Nationalist activists know her online as Tia Chase or Tia Chase II. All three social media profiles are down as of this writing, but we know without a doubt these three profiles belong to Tia Azar Foster. The profile “Tia Chase” came under scrutiny when Tia started trying to do jail support for white supremacist murderer James Alex Fields. When Foster had trouble locating Fields in the prison system, she began spreading unfounded conspiracy theories on social media that Heather Heyer’s death was a false flag operation. Tia took her partner Jacob’s alias’ surname “Chase”. Under these profiles is where she would spew hatred towards minorities and organize with fellow fascists. “Tia Walsh” was a bit more palatable with no real political talk except for animal rights, and being the profile that ran the sanctuary’s facebook page. A dead gofundme link for Ananda shows Tia’s real name, Tia Foster, when input to a Google search engine.
Coming originally from the leftist Occupy movement in NYC in 2011, Foster has been a political scenester for almost a decade. Fast forward to 2019 and she has been reveling in her popularity among the neo-nazis, alt-right and eco-fascist camps. While Tia has kept her love for liberating animals and speaking for their rights, she has also adopted some very abhorrent views of her fellow humans. This includes racism, Islamophobia, transphobia, homophobia and antisemitism – all of which are tied together under Eco-fascism.
Eco-fascism is not a new movement, though there is a current resurgence of white supremacists adopting a contrived environmentalism to their already violently racist and bigoted views. Eco-fascism can best be summed up as a blending of environmental or ecological views of saving the earth, with the means of doing so rooted in a hatred of multiculturalism, or any people seen as “less than”- stemming from the belief that the world is overpopulated and these “undesirables” need to go by any means necessary. Both the El Paso and Christchurch mass shooters were self described eco-fascists as stated in their manifestos. The basic belief of shutting off borders to migrants and turning the nation into a white ethnostate is at the core of this movement. Violence and intimidation that targets refugees and other marginalized people of color are the tools used to achieve these goals. This is Tia’s new fan club, the neo-nazis that wrap their genocidal views in deep ecology and animal rights activism. Other people who have been near this putrid soul have no clue what she really thinks about her community.
Tia mentions the term “race traitor”. Race traitor is a pejorative reference to a person who is perceived as supporting attitudes or positions thought to be against the interests or well-being of that person’s own race. For example, one or both parties to an interracial relationship may be characterized as “race traitors”.
Let’s back up a bit to get some context of who Tia is and how she arrived here. After moving out of her parent’s upper-class home in Ohio, Foster moved to Brooklyn and became a familiar face in leftist circles like Occupy and the animal rights scenes. Attempting to start animal rights groups in NYC, she was criticized for the lack of participation of people of color. This criticism was not received well and Tia began to slip further right rather than actually reflecting on her own lack of intersectionality within her work. Her ego took precedence above progress and concerns of inclusion.
Falling out with the leftist crowd led Tia to look elsewhere to continue her animal rights activism, where she found “Anarcho-Nationalism” and the “New Right” the predecessor of the alt-right. As early as 2012 Foster was being interviewed on white nationalist podcasts, the far right discussing her on 4chan (a popular chat forum amongst white supremacists) and even Matt Parrott essays. In a white nationalist podcast called “Attack the System” hosted by racist Keith Preston, Tia spends an hour talking about her early years transitioning to the far right. Topics include when she was called out for posting holocaust denial propaganda, loathing of politically correct language, rejection of feminism and the JQ (the dog whistle for “the Jewish Question” among neo-nazis). Here she explains her disdain for the left in general and talks about leaving that scene after only a short time.
Tia and Jacob are avid fans of the neo-nazi cartoon “Murdoch Murdoch”
In the years following, Tia continued to be sort of an anomaly as a far right female personality online and an animal rights activist showing up at protests. Note that most of the activists in the animal rights movement had no knowledge of her antisemitism and only saw her as an animal loving “comrade”. She talks about co-opting leftist terminology and tactics to convert leftist environmentalists to national socialism. Her more underground work might be of some interest to people who work with her in real life. Activities like attempting to do prisoner support for James Alex Fields, the white nationalist murderer who ran down anti-racists indiscriminately in Charlottesville, killing Heather Heyer. Or her and Jacob’s eco-fascist pet project called “White Tree” which has talked about organizing actions to post anti-immigration flyers at “liberal” universities. These targets included North Star LGBTQ Center Incendiary Brewing Company, Forsythe County Safety Center and Emanuel Temple, a synagogue. They also talked about flyering UNC Chapel Hill and Wake Forest. We think it is unfair for people to stand a chance of arrest protecting animals’ rights while unwittingly standing next to a virulent fascist.
A “White Tree” poster Tia wants to put up.
This is as much of a warning to the general community as an appeal for activists of good faith to distance themselves from the disgusting views of white nationalists and the people who try to infiltrate our spaces. If you believe in intersectionality, diversity, anti-racism and fighting oppression of any kind this appeal is for you and we are glad you’ve found it. Fitting a hierarchy on oppression is a slippery slope into a fascist mindset. One where you can spin the narrative that Jews are the very people creating the environmental crisis by having a pro-immigration agenda that destroys the stolen land we now call the United States. We believe in rights for all non-human animals and protection of the natural environment, but not at the expense of violence and marginalization of other human beings. This world is on fire and we need to do something to put that fire out, that certainly doesn’t mean oppressing and blaming people who are turned then into scapegoats for the masses. Clearly this is counter to the animal rights mantra of being the voice of those who don’t have one. Does the child locked in a U.S. concentration camp have a voice? Or the millions of wrongly incarcerated black and brown people have an effective way to communicate what it feels like to be forgotten?
Tia and Jacob joking about gassing people, a reference to the holocaust.
Tia and her partner, Jacob Martin AKA Jacob Chase, have been known to engage with groups like Direct Action Everywhere (DXE), Anonymous for the Voiceless, and Mercy Line Transport among others. These groups might be doing some really good work for animals but we ask with compassion to those working with or within these groups- where do you draw the line with people that you work with to save animal lives? Are you okay with your Jewish, black, brown, trans and queer comrades working with somebody that considers them subhuman? Just because you have a few solid ideals doesn’t negate all the other problematic ideas you believe. A broken clock is only correct twice a day. We certainly wouldn’t attend Hitler’s potluck just because it was vegan.
Tia and another nazi discussing violence against a political opponent.
A portion of a “White Tree” anti-immigration flyer. “WN” stands for “White Nationalism”.
Tia operated several facebook accounts that have all been removed or deplatformed by the time this is being published. However several anti-racist researchers were able to archive quite a bit of information before Foster went dark on the main web. This includes an extensive friends list of neo-nazis, “likes” of neo-nazi and transphobic facebook groups, as well of loads of bigoted comments.
Tia and Jacob are hiding their true intentions and using animal liberation to do so. Let’s take a look at the company she keeps when not advocating for animals. A video uploaded to youtube on February 17th, 2014 by “bekindtoanimals100” shows Tia and her friend complaining about being asked to leave a headshop in Virginia for not following the common rule of abstaining from saying the word “bong”. You might recognize the man in the video as Alex McNabb, the neo-nazi podcaster who was fired from his job as an EMT after he was exposed as a neo-nazi podcaster on “The Daily Shoah”, and saying, among other things, that he had tortured a black child with an oversized needle. McNabb was also a participant at the deadly Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally. Not only does Tia hang out with internet nazis, she has been hanging out with them in real life for quite some time. This is not a new trend for her and if you are surprised by all this information, know that you are not the only one.
Identity Evropa (IE) is a racist “Identitarian” organization that attempts to promote a clean-cut, respectable face, while their members are time and time again exposed promoting a vast swathe of bigoted views wrapped in white supremacy. The chat logs leaked by Unicorn Riot back in March, just days before IE’s national conference in Kentucky, shed light on their membership’s racist, antisemitic, trans-phobic, misogynist, homophobic, and xenophobic views. Identity Evropa is most well known for their role in facilitating 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. On the Friday of IE’s 2019 conference, the organization’s third leader, Patrick Casey, announced that the group was now named the “American Identity Movement” (AmIM), rebranding in an attempt to lose some of the organization’s stigma.
In actuality, this is just yet another rebranding, the last being from The National Youth Front to Identity Evropa – both of which headed by Nathan Damigo. The National Youth Front served as the youth wing of the neo-nazi American Freedom Party, which is headed by long-time white supremacist William Daniel Johnson, a wealthy corporate lawyer. William Johnson was also named on the official delegate list for Trump’s 2016 Republic National Convention. But guess what, the American Freedom Party was yet ANOTHER REBRAND in this history of rebrands, from the group’s former name- the American Third Position (A3P). And wouldn’t you know, American Third Position was just another rebranding of the Golden State Party born directly out of the Cali-based white power skinhead group Freedom 14, named in reference to the “14 word” slogan of neo-nazi notoriety produced by David Lane.This incessant shell game attempting to obfuscate their glaring neo-nazi reality is obvious to antifascists and antiracists who pay attention, and it all leads to the organization currently known as American Identity Movement.
Nathan Barker isn’t the most prolific member of American Identity Movement, but he makes up for his lack of original content by donating to the organization regularly, and hitting the re-tweet button anytime Patrick Casey or any other nationalist CHUD on Twitter decides to spew hate-speech. Nathan Charles Barker loves LARPing as his dead confederate ancestors whenever he can (or whenever his racist dad isn’t forcing him to LARP on the Union side), and enjoys dressing up in a sports jacket and stone washed jeans in a failed attempt to improve the public view of his bigoted organization.
Meet Nathan Charles Barker, Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement’s weekend activist and incessant re-tweeter.
Everyone say, “Hi there, Bootlickin Barker!”
Here Nathan overlays a black sun on his photo of himself with an airsoft rifle.
Birth Name: Nathan Charles Barker
Phone Number: (910) 887-5986
DOB: 9-20-1999
Home Address: 257 J bird Lane, Saint Pauls, NC 28384
Physical Description: 6’3”, Dumpy build, clean shaven, dark brown hair, and brown eyes.
Since the recent aforementioned rebranding of Identity Evropa (IE) to American Identity Movement (AmIM), the group has been struggling with a steady decline in membership and issues securing the identities of it’s remaining participants. Nathan Charles Barker hasn’t made this any easier for them. By using his legal name on IE/AmIM’s leaked discord chats, Facebook profile and Instagram, Nathan has left an electronic paper trail easily connecting all of his identifying user accounts. Moreover, Nathan Barker uses his first name, favorite confederate meme imagery, and written confirmations of specific AmIM events on his twitter account, then goes on to confirm the same “activism” with AmIM in the discord chat logs as well. He even uses the same descriptive wording on both accounts to describe how “brilliant” the so-called AmIM activism is.
Oh, whats that avatar we see?…
Oh, it’s Nathan using that black sun photo and trying to superimpose a totenkompf over his face for anonymity.
Nathan comes from a long line of confederate family history which has laid the groundwork for his most recent foray into racist organizing. Make no mistake, American Identity Movement seeks to influence a generation of disenfranchised poor southerners who have been left behind by a rapidly changing world- just as other fascist and neo-nazi organizations like the League of the South, Identity Dixie, and the KKK do, while more directly targeting younger white men. Nathan’s father, Eric Barker, has been integral in grooming his son and advancing the current, twisted world-view Nathan holds. This racist priming has precipitated a group like AmIM’s ease in exploiting Nathan in furtherance of their own goals of a divided and segregated nation upholding white supremacy. But alas, Nathan is an adult and willing participant in this ideology and its furtherance through action. Through years of confederate battle re-enactment and military worship, an heirloom has been passed down from father to son. That heirloom is bigotry and racism.
Nathan graduated from Grays Creek High School in 2017. During his high school years he spent lots of time at the rifle range owning the libs, working the front lines as a fry commando at the Hope Mills Zaxbys, and keeping his eyes closed during photos.
Nathan with the sun in his eyes, posing in front of the family jewel. Notice the plate name “J Bird’s Toy”, and the private road his family lives on of the same name.
Since the inception of Nathan’s membership in Identity Evropa beginning in late summer of 2017, Nathan has furthered the cause of the organization by re-tweeting literally everything Patrick Casey and AmIM can muster. Apart from his obsessive and bot-like re-tweeting, Barker has sparingly summoned a few words of his own, mostly in leaked discord chats. Here, Nathan praises the works of racist eugenicist Madison Grant. Nathan also has his very own original views on immigration. And just when you thought nationalist Nate bootlicking Barker couldn’t get any worse, he goes ahead and spills the beans on how he views Appalachia.
Nathan makes up for his lack of ability to create original content for his alt-right bigot club by sucking up to it’s leader Patrick Casey. But don’t be fooled, Barker has a few original thoughts from other people he feels compelled to share. Here he re-tweets infamous former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke. Nathan Barker has no problem sharing theories on perceived racial differences, ideas on gender roles, and antisemitism to boot. Looks like Nate is shaping up to be one colossal NAZI!
On Nathan’s Facebook page ,which will likely be shutdown soon, he “likes” many different military simulation pages. Along with civil war re creationist pages he also “likes” several alt-right pages. One of these include “Murdoch Murdoch”, a poorly put together antisemitic and racist cartoon using internet memes popular with fascist keyboard warriors. This content is regularly de-platformed on YouTube for breaking the terms of service agreement, but quickly reposted by other neo-nazis. This internet cartoon celebrates and encourages lone wolf style shootings against minorities like the church attack by Dylan Roof in Charleston, the deadly shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue, and the infamous mosque massacres in Christ Church, New Zealand.
In addition to his social media presence, Barker has also been identified at Identity Evropa and American Identity Movement activism events. Along with attending fireside chats, private sessions for members of IE/AmIM to listen to Patrick Casey talk mostly about himself and a little about the direction the organization is headed, Nathan has been spotted at IE/AmIM’s 2018 “Leading Our People Forward” conference in Kentucky. Nathan Also attended and participated in American Identity Movement’s “Down With Globalism” event in Nashville TN March 2019. He can be seen below holding one of the banners.
Nathan Barker participating in the Nashville, TN AmIM demonstration in March of 2019.
Nathan Barker sticking out like a sore thumb in Identity Evropa’s 2018 “Leading Our People Forward” conference photo.
As proven above, Nathan Barker has shown his willingness to actively participate in and further the goals of a racist, white supremacist organization. In addition to his organizing, he espouses vile beliefs or parrots those of others to spread a message of hate. Although it seems quite plain to assume, we will say it anyhow: any individual who threatens the safety and integrity of our global community is a problem. They are our problem, they are your problem and the disease they spread must be stopped immediately. Our passion for antifascism naturally leads us to our continued stance of militant no-platforming for individuals like Nathan Barker and the ideological organizations they claim.
If you have any tips/information you’d like to share with us, reach out via email at And remember, don’t give him an inch.
Over the past few weeks we’ve seen a lot of stories hitting the mainstream news cycle shedding light on some of the abhorrent aspects of the US migrant detention centers and the current wave of human rights atrocities happening at the hands of Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). From the revelation about ICE officials now no longer officially keeping track of how many detainees die in US custody, to the fact migrants will now be housed in concentration camps formally used to intern Japanese-Americans during World War II – and Indigenous peoples back in the 18th century.
The images and details of men, women, and children becoming ill – some dying in custody, mothers begging for water and medicine, all topped with the video of Justice Department lawyer Sarah Fabian arguing against giving blankets, toothbrushes or soap to imprisoned children is – to put it mildly – devastating. But while we could do as so many others do and spend all of 10 seconds on the topic before we keep scrolling, we’re going to do a bit more. Hopefully this small example can help others see one way they can take the next step and take part in actively combating fascist horrors.
Before we get into the meat of article, let’s briefly address the recent commentary on the (correct) use of the term concentration camp in describing migrant detention centers. Even though some news outlets have correctly used the label, the cacophonous hand-wringing responses can’t bring themselves to acknowledge reality. To that, we’d like to share an aptly put take on this topic from Black Rose Anarchist Federation, recently posted on IGD. We’d like to recommend the entirety of that article linked here:
“The actual term “concentration camp” comes directly out of European colonialism in the Americas with the term first used by the Spanish colonizers of Cuba in 1897. Overseeing Spanish colonialism in Cuba and the Philippines was General Valeriano Weyler who first applied the term (reconcentrados) to his tactic of containing anti-Spanish insurgents in Cuba. While he gave the practice a name, he was not the first to use the tactic. He learned the tactic from studying US genocider General William Tecumseh Sherman’s campaigns against the Indigenous peoples of the Great Plains. The term itself is, therefore, directly connected to the United States’ own history of ethnic cleansing and “frontier” control.”
Here in so-called North Carolina, we’ve seen a number of offensive ICE actions and raids take place recently. From the mass raids that saw well over 200 undocumented people arrested and caged, to the passing of HB370, which forces sheriff’s deputies to ask people about their immigration status regardless of the type of criminal charge they face and mandates officers to both hand people over to ICE and comply with any ICE request accompanied by a detainer.
On the flip side, various communities around the state and region have taken action in defense of their communities, themselves, and against this wave of oppression. There have been rallies here in Asheville, as well as Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. There was the day-without-immigrants held across North Carolina in February in response to mass ICE raids. One year ago, in the throws of the #AbolishICE movement there was an occupation of the ICE facility in Charlotte, which held on for almost 2 weeks. It is in furtherance of these actions, along with the calls for action put forth by FANG Collective, actions called for/inspired the Block The Wall Network, and all the other actions taking place across the so-called United States that we write this.
We present to you the aggregated names and publicly available personal contact details of the ICE lawyers of North Carolina, who get paid for their prosecution and sending off of our community members, to literal concentration camps.
Christopher Roberts Coxe Jr.
Deputy Chief Counsel, 45 years old
Among the highest paid 10% of ICE employees
Last Known Address: 1238 Merribrook Drive Matthews, NC
He’s largely based out of Washington DC with his higher rank, and probably spends the majority of his time at his VA address of 141 Revell Road, Fredericksburg, VA 21230.
James Anthony Jones
Bar# 133019 (FL), 47 years old
Among the highest paid 10% of ICE employees
From Spartanburg, SC, formerly of Miramar, FL
Last Known Address: 4909 Water Oak Rd, Apt. 3, Charlotte, NC
Identity Evropa is at the forefront of the racist “alt-right’s” effort to recruit white, college-aged men and transform them into the fashionable new face of white nationalism. Rather than denigrating people of color, the campus-based organization focuses on raising white racial consciousness, building community based on shared racial identity and intellectualizing white supremacist ideology.
Daniel Wallace Rasch
DOB: 7/11/87 – 31 years old
Address: 2212 Oak Springs Drive Greenville, South Carolina
Occupation: Global Leadership Development Program- Michelin Tires, Greenville, SC
From: Washington & St. Louis Missouri
Previously Lived In: Bryan & Houston, Texas, and Lexington, South Carolina
School: Attended Texas A&M – Mays Business School 2016-2018
We are pleased to introduce Daniel Wallace Rasch, also known as “Tanner – SC” on the newly leaked Discord chat logs of the white supremacist group formerly known as Identity Evropa (IE), currently rebranded as American Identity Movement (AIM)
“Tanner-SC” spent a considerable amount of time on a server called #whitepills before his entire organization was deplatformed. “White pilling” is a play off the alt-right idea that once you take the “red pill” you can see the truth. Their “truth” is filled with antisemitic and Islamophobic conspiracies ranging from Jewish control of all governments to the very extinction of white people as a whole. To “white pill” somebody is to sneak white nationalist ideology into everyday conversations under the guise of being inquisitive and questioning. There are a few far right mouth pieces that have tried to master this ruse with some success, notably Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Andrew MacDonald. All have paved the way for suit-and-tie nazis to debate for a far darker future, opening up the conversation of mass relocations, genocide of people of color, and ethnostates ran by a fascist white aristocracy. Sometimes these arena-traveling street preachers wear a clownish smile, brow-beating their audience into a frenzy–either way their message and tactics are basically the same. The reality of their views are sugarcoated in the message they broadcast, which is that white people are getting the short end of the stick and it’s because of diversity. Their tactic is to introduce these ideas into normal culture via a Trojan horse using language, unchecked statistics, and non-peer reviewed “science” that would never be published in any credible science journal. This is the particular camp that Daniel Rasch was groomed for.
Beyond trying to “white pill normies” in basic settings of society, Rasch has brought his white supremacist views to the classrooms of the universities he studied in. When chatting with his fellow neo-nazis on what they thought was a private server, he brags about his “suit and tie workings” and posts a link to a youtube video of a presentation he gave titled, “White People: Trending Towards Extinction”, published 4/6/17 by “Joe Sixpack”. This is the only video posted by this youtube user, lucky for us the video’s license is labeled as Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) . iGracias!
So now we have a face and voice for “Tanner.” Thank you Daniel for “fanning your own balls,” a disgusting thought yet useful to expose your real name and intentions. It is worth mentioning that the beginning of the video is cropped as to hide the title slide which would most likely include the name of the speaker. This is consistent when the video is shared on other websites popular among white supremacists such as Stormfront and voat.
Tanner SC also boasts of being a state coordinator for new members of IE and references bottom lining fascist propaganda distribution (see below)
Daniel Rasch is obsessed with the conspiracy of the “Zionist occupational government” (ZOG), the unfounded idea that Jews secretly run the world. He is so convinced Jews control all the money globally he invests in bitcoins or cryptocurrency and he acts as Identity Evropa’s online financial adviser, coaching fascists through investments.
Alongside the grossly antisemitic conspiracy of secret Jewish overlords covertly breeding white people out of existence, Daniel has become very interested in providing tips about how white men can find suitable white women to date and thus breed with. This dating advice includes going ice skating as it is “very white” and going to revival festivals, which we imagine look white enough for Daniel’s taste or lack thereof. He goes on to advise fellow white nationalists to join Church youth groups in order to find a white wife. Daniel himself recently joined a local catholic “youth” group. When we read why, his choice sounds as in-sincere as it does inappropriate. This is an idea originally presented to him by another IE member in the area to find a “traditional” wife to have as many children as possible.
We won’t be including any of Daniel’s past or present partners in this expose at this time, as he likes to keep his involvement with Identity Evropa and the white nationalist movement a close secret. Therefore, we have no reason at the moment to believe he is being honest/forward about his beliefs, organizing, and financial support of IE with his loved ones and peers. There will be an edit if we find out otherwise. Anybody that is willing to lie to their family and lover would definitely have no problem putting on a mask for their employers and co-workers/clients. Nonetheless, we believe everyone around him, along with the greater public, ought to be fully aware of his active membership in a white supremacist organization and a designated hate group. This includes informing not only his family and employers at Michelin, but also the cycling community that he is embedded in.
And there’s maps!
An additional clue solidifying the conclusion that “Tanner-SC” is in fact Daniel Wallace Rasch is his enthusiasm for long distance cycling. While bike frames change as you upgrade and get new gear, things that don’t change very often are actual frame size and positioning of the saddle which correlate with body size. So while this might seem to be a small detail to work off of, it was a clue we couldn’t ignore. We were looking for a racist racer in South Carolina.
The rides that “Tanner” would map out and share close the area to the general foothills area of northern South Carolina. One link he shares is of a replication of a ride he went on. The beginning of the screen includes text giving us a first name as it spells out “Dan’s ride”. He later mentions he is in Greenville area. The two bikes that he posts pictures as his are a 2016 Giant TCR Advanced Pro 2 and a 2017 Cannondale CAADX 105 clyclocross bike. The Cannondale is on an indoor trainer resting on a gray moving blanket in one pic. Various pictures confirm he is in fact in the Greenville / Upstate SC area. Seems Dan prefers biking to other sports because it is “very white” in his mind.
Before moving to Greenville, South Carolina “Tanner-SC” mentions being about a 3 hours drive to Dallas, Texas in 2017. He then later mentions having contacts in Houston. In a different server when once again discussing white birthrates he talks about being from St. Louis, MO originally.
Although Daniel believed his neo-nazi and white nationalist politics made him a suitable candidate for campus internships, decision makers thought otherwise. Someone should have told him sooner that advocating for genocide as a means of racial cleansing is not considered an “extracurricular” form of “leadership skills”. Apparently his mistake cost him “some good internship possibilities”.
Tanner-SC posts a lot on the mechanical server about tending to and buying cars. Other posts reveal his age at the time he was posting, his sector and title in the workforce and his family’s financial stability. Even his diet will no longer be a secret!
Now we have a better picture of who “Tanner” is. We are looking at a 31 year old white male with a brown fashy haircut with a distinct voice. We are looking for somebody that is originally from St. Louis area and moved to Texas presumably for school and now lives and works in Greenville, South Carolina. This same person also has a high paying job in tire manufacturing and years if manufacturing experience. This person’s posts on discord suggests they are highly familiar with the inner workings of business models and finances. He is mechanically inclined and has plenty of advice to offer on automobiles and bicycles. He recommends Trek bikes on discord as they are the most American/nationalist company. The personality behind the handle leans strongly towards privilege, higher education and a know-it-all. He also appears to attend a catholic church in the Greenville area.
For somebody who thinks they are so smart they sure made a stupid mistake thinking they could share so much personal information on an infiltrated chat server. With this context to guide us we began digging through known Identity Evropa member’s social media (that we will be exposing shortly after this release, muwaha). Whatta ya know we stumbled upon Daniel Rasch’s facebook profile.
Not only does Daniel’s profile picture look familiar to the “white extinction” youtube video that Tanner SC posted on discord, this Daniel also attended high school at private catholic prep school, De Semet Jesuit High School located in Creve Coeur, a city located in west St. Louis County, Missouri. He later studied at Missouri S&T and Texas A&M University Mays Business School in Houston. Since 2018 Daniel has positioned himself in the Global Leadership Development Program at Michelin located in Greenville, SC. It would appear that Daniel upgraded to that All-American Trek bike he wanted with his new job, as seen in the cover photo, leaning in that familiar way “Tanner” shot his bikes various times throughout the server. Daniel also has a LinkedIn account that verifies this information.
Furthermore we found a YouTube account under the name Daniel Rasch <link to channel> which features a few videos of modified handgun clips malfunctioning, several bicycle modification videos, video game race car footage and some videos of joy riding in a black corvette with Missouri plates. Not only is the voice in the videos matching up with the speaker of the “suit and tie work” Tanner took credit for in IE servers linked above, but the content and tone is parallel. In one video he names off the exact make and model of the Cannondale bicycle featured in discord leaks, the same bike that was parked on top of a gray moving blanket which is also the same blanket used indoors in videos on Rasch’s channel. The exact same Giant bike mentioned above is featured in several videos.
All of these clues match up quite nicely with Daniel’s timeline, locations, interests as well as voice and face. To double check on that speech on YouTube we looked into the actual classrooms in Houston’s Texas A&M business school. We were able to match another video of somebody talking to a group of young entrepreneurs in the exact same room the “White People: Trending Towards extinction” speech was delivered.
This confirmed the speech was presented at the very same school that Daniel Rasch was attending at the same time. Daniel’s presentation mentions several professors, one of which is Michael Wesson. Wesson happens to teach at the Texas A&M – Mays Business School. With this knowledge it would be exhausting and redundant to further prove without a doubt that “Tanner-SC” of Identity Evropa is in fact Daniel Rasch; but we will.
On Daniel’s Facebook profile it appears they attend meet-ups with Lucis Via : Catholic Young Adults of Greenville, which is consistent with “Tanner” announcing they had joined a Catholic youth group to pick up ladies. We wonder what the church would think of Rasch’s role as state coordinator of a hate group coupled with his perverted and hyper sexual agenda…
Without much more to say about Daniel Wallace Rasch’s once secret affiliation with Identity Evropa, we will let Danny tell you how he feels himself.
If you have any tips/information you’d like to share with us, reach out via email at And remember, don’t give them an inch.